Hey everyone! It has been a while since I last posted because life has been crazy! We moved to Utah, found and began work + school and are now beginning to settle down. So excited for our new life here!
A few weeks ago I read a very interesting book called "No More Dirty Looks" that really changed my whole beauty routine. I've doing my makeup and hair for years without even thinking twice about the products I was using. I knew not to trust the food industry, but I had always trusted that the beauty industry would take good care of me.Ya right!! This book opened my eyes to all of the chemicals and toxins in our makeup and hair products and the effects it can have on our health. It changed everything!
If you really think about it, we use hydrating shampoo and conditioner, but yet our hair still feels dry after years and trial and error. We switch products constantly and are always looking for the next best thing to solve our problem. But is it ever solved? Are we ingesting harmful chemicals and ingredients that are detrimental to our health? What did people do throughout time without all of these products? Are your lotions and potions really performing miracles? This is the big question.
Well I have personally decided to "go clean" and switch all of my hair and beauty products to a more natural state. One of the first steps was the switch from shampoo to the"no poo" (no shampoo) method. To get more information about it, click on the link below and follow the directions for the baking soda and vinegar routine.
If you decide to give this a go then here are some tips:
- In order to get the full effect, try avoiding other products such as harsh hairsprays, conditioners, waxes, silicones and everything else. This will allow the change to fully set in, and for you to see the true effects of going shampoo free.
- It does take a few weeks to get used to- your hair will most likely be more greasy at first while it's adjusting, but it will all balance out...Trust me.
- I recommend using Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar- the Heinz distilled WILL NOT do the job right.
- Try to go every three days without washing in order to adjust more quickly.
- It might take patience, adjusting your formula, and trial and error to find what works best for you.
I have been doing this for over 3 weeks and am liking it so far!
Honestly, I love knowing that my hair is being taken care of properly, and it has actually gotten to be really curly! I am so surprised and LOVE it! So try it out! What does it hurt? Maybe you'll discover the dream hair you thought you'd never have. :)
I'll be posting more natural tips and tricks in the next few weeks so stay tuned. Meanwhile, you can check out some more info on my sister's blog. (ya know, sisters share everything! So naturally we have been going through this together-no pun intended..)
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